Tuesday, January 13, 2015

qualitative or mixed data analysis

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#Rstats #research My brief survey of R packages for qualitative (or mixed) data analysis. http://qr.ae/6auZw

Javier, I appreciate the suggestion and the link. In my post, I've tried to limit the discussion to R packages that are much more focused on qualitative data analysis than many others. I understand that "lme4" and many other packages contain functionality that deals with qualitative (in a form of categorical) or mixed data, but I was trying to limit the scope of the material for better focus. More importantly, mixed-effects modeling is IMHO inherently quantitative approach. Nevertheless, this is an interesting topic, which I plan to become acquainted more with in the future. Thank you again and feel free to connect!

Check also this package: http://factominer.free.fr/advanced-methods/multiple-factor-analysis.html

Ahmed, I'm aware of "factominer" and some other FA packages. However, I tend to think of them mostly as packages for quantitative data analysis, despite their support for categorical data. Please see my points in the comment for Javier above. Anyway, I appreciate your comment.

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