Thursday, December 13, 2012

meaning forecast пишет про новый R пакет прогнозирования как бе, но пишет следующим образом:
The accuracy func­tion now works with both time series fore­casts and cross-​​sectional forecasts. то-есть, по-руски прогнозирование -- это предвидение по времени, а попе н достансге -- совсем не обязательно и вводит нас (если на демографическом образовании строицо) в мир indirect techniques

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Multivariate regression analysis using categorical explanatory variables

LinkedIN начал новую нитку с этой назвой

Which package is useful to handle categorical variables in a multivariate regression analyisis and where may I find the tutorials? Every information that I find is about quantitative data.
I am currently using a lm function to find the best predictor for a quantitative response variable but I am afraid, it is not the best approach. I also do not want to use dummies.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

research vs grants

Rob J Hyn­d­man :
I don’t think telling peo­ple what research areas are impor­tant is very help­ful. The best research comes about when peo­ple are curi­ous and pas­sion­ate, and take a sur­pris­ingly dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive from those who have gone before.
from here
действительно, как раз сейчас пытаюсь ответить на вопросы какбе грантодателей, 1 из х:
Существует ли в стране политика, программа и/или стратегия, направленная на решение вопросов сексуального и репродуктивного здоровья и репродуктивных прав, которая(ые) находится в процессе разработки или исполнения?
ответить надо да/нет

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tutorials from Universities Around the World

Online tutorials for R programming, Statistics and Graphic

Here is a list of FREE R tutorials hosted in official website of universities around the world. The tutorials are listed  in no particular order, actually based on when I have discovered it. They will be categorised soon. Please kindly suggest me other university-hosted online R tutorials by email to
  1. University of California at Davis,
    Getting Started with the R Data Analysis Package
    by Professor Norm Matloff
  2. Clarkson University,
    R Tutorial
     Kelly Black
  3. York University,
    Getting started with R
  4. University of Waterloo
    R Tutorial For A WINDOWS Environment (WindowsUnix)
  5. University of California at Los Angles, UCLA,
    Resources to help you learn and use R
  6. University of California at Riverside.
    Programming in R
  7. University of Illinois,
    A Brief Introduction to R
  8. University of Texas at Austin,
    R Tutorial Videos
    by Brandon K. Vaughn
  9. University of California at Berkeley,
    An Introduction to R (PDF)
    by Phil Spector
  10. University of California at Santa Babara,
    R Programming Resource Centre
    by National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
  11. Chiang Mai University,
    Econometrics with R (in Thai)
    by Pairach Piboonrungroj.
  12. University of Carnegie Mellon,
    A Tutorial: Some Fundamentals of R.
    by Bruce E. Trumbo
  13. University of Illinois State,
    R Tutorial.
    by Dong-Yun Kim
  14. University of MacMaster,
    Introduction to the R Statistical Computing Environment.
    by John Fox.
  15. University of Princeton,
    Introducing R.
    by Germán Rodríguez
  16. University of Amsterdam,
    How to draw graphs with R,  [Graphics]
    by A.M. (Angelos-Miltiadis) Krypotos
  17. University of North Texas,
    Do it yourself – Introduction to R [Intro]
  18. University of Warwick,
    R programming page [Biosciences: Molecular Organisation and Assembly in Cells]
    by Peter Cock.
  19. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    R tutorial for Applied Econometrics
    by Prof. Roger Koenker
  20. Coastal Carolina University
    R tutorials [General]
    by  William B. King
  21. University of Colorado Denver
    R Tutorial [General]
    by  Stephanie Santorico and Mark Shin
  22. Stanford School of Medicine (Biomedical Informatics)
    R Tutorial [VDO on Introduction + Translational Bioinformatics]
  23. Harding University
    Producing Simple Graphs with R [basic graphic e.g., line, bar, hist, line]
    by Frank McCown
  24. University of Kentucky, Department of Statistics
    Use Software R to do Survival Analysis and Simulation [pdf]
    by Mai Zhou