Thursday, December 13, 2012

meaning forecast пишет про новый R пакет прогнозирования как бе, но пишет следующим образом:
The accuracy func­tion now works with both time series fore­casts and cross-​​sectional forecasts. то-есть, по-руски прогнозирование -- это предвидение по времени, а попе н достансге -- совсем не обязательно и вводит нас (если на демографическом образовании строицо) в мир indirect techniques

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Multivariate regression analysis using categorical explanatory variables

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Which package is useful to handle categorical variables in a multivariate regression analyisis and where may I find the tutorials? Every information that I find is about quantitative data.
I am currently using a lm function to find the best predictor for a quantitative response variable but I am afraid, it is not the best approach. I also do not want to use dummies.